贵州电大 5205775 跨文化交际(省) 网上在线形考作业[答案]

作者:奥鹏作业答案 字体:[增加 减小] 来源:国家开放大学 时间:2022-11-17 01:24

1.How many ways of munication? A、SixB、ThreeC、TwoD、Fi

贵州电大 5205775 跨文化交际(省) 网上在线形考作业[答案]

贵州电大 5205775 跨文化交际(省) 网上在线形考作业

1.How many ways of munication?


2.What’s the Chinese for psychomotor-oriented?


3.What are the ponents of Chinese names?
A、Given name and middle namesB、Family nameC、Family name and given nameD、Last name and surname


4..One can never find out what the other people think about from his facial expression.
A、It means “wearing the mask”B、It means “keeping ideas to herself”C、It means “telling everyone her bright ideas”D、It means “agreeing with others’ ideas”


5.How many types of munication?


6.The First Extension of Man is that people municate by_____.


7..What present do you think people in the West will bring when being invited?
A、BiscuitsB、A bottle of wineC、PeanutsD、Vegetables


8.Which of the following groups are family names?
A、Thomas, Richard, RobertsonB、William, Smith, ClarkC、Taylor, Anthony, WatkinsD、George, Edwards, Jackson


9.If you are invited to attend activities, such as cocktail parties or a dance, the time will be somewhat like “5:00 to 7:00”. Then you are required to arrive on time and leave on time.



10..Waiters and waitresses, barbers and hairdressers and all sorts of other such people must be tipped.




11.Shakespeare’s saying “Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it” implies that people can put on different facial expressions to hide their true feeling.



12.More and more evidences are found to suggest that there is no obvious difference in the municative styles between male and female.



13..My name is Wilson—James Wilson.


14.Westerners never press their guests to drink or eat whereas Chinese do it.



15.Non-verbal munication: ‘silent munication’ including facial expression, gesture, eye contact (body language), body distance, body contact and object language.



16..Eye contact is an important body language.



17.Mrs. Chen has just moved to America. Her husband is a guest professor there. She finds that a car is very necessary in America, so she decides to buy one. After she has chosen a suitable car, she takes out the cash to pay. The salesman is very glad and surprised,”Great.You pay in cash”.Mrs. Chen gets confused.






21.Li Gang is a new Chinese student in an American university. He is very glad that one of his classmates, Peter, invites him to see a film one day. Li Gang goes to the cinema on time.When he gets there, Peter is waiting for him. Peter says, “I have bought mine. You go quickly to buy your ticket.” Li Gang gets surprised.




19..What does ‘foot the bill’ mean?
A、Get the billB、Buy the billC、Pay for the billD、Take the bill


20.What is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social environments, or simply travel to another type of life.
A、AcceptanceB、AdjustmentC、DepressionD、Culture Shock


21.Below are some topics. Three of them should be avoided in the cultural munication. Which one is the right expectation?
A、Nice to see you again, you’re fatter.B、How much did you pay for the dress?C、Are you Christian?D、Do you have a brother or a sister?


22..What is Euphoria named in phrases of adaptation?
A、Honeymoon phraseB、RecoveryC、ReadjustmentD、Acceptance


23.The Third Extension of Man: Replacing Human Brain with_____.
A、a MonitorB、a ModemC、a Word ProcessorD、an Electronic Mind


24.How many kinds of artificial language?


25..How many kinds of human language?


26.The expressions and expectations of friendship in all cultures are more or less the same.



27.Many Westerners drink coffee or tea with their meals. Others prefer to have it after the meal. When you order coffee, You may asked “regular?” which means: “Do you want lots of cream in it?” or “ Black” which means “ no milk” or “dark” which means a littl milk.



28..I t is considered to be good manners in the West to leave one’s food on the plate.



29.This is Judge Ian.



30.Hi, folks, where from?


31..Regulate social interaction is the only purpose of non-verbal munication.


32.Mrs. Chen has just moved to America. Her husband is a guest professor there. She finds that a car is very necessary in America, so she decides to buy one. After she has chosen a suitable car, she takes out the cash to pay. The salesman is very glad and surprised,”Great.You pay in cash”.Mrs. Chen gets confused.

33.Li Gang is a new Chinese student in an American university. He is very glad that one of his classmates, Peter, invites him to see a film one day. Li Gang goes to the cinema on time.When he gets there, Peter is waiting for him. Peter says, “I have bought mine. You go quickly to buy your ticket.” Li Gang gets surprised.

34..Which one in the following expressions in Not True?
A、As wise as a fox.B、As strong as a horse.C、As happy as a lark.D、As stupid as a goose.


35.What is the implication of some English names:Norman, Moor, Hall, Chesterfield?
A、Place identityB、OccupationC、Famous personD、Country


36.You can take a horse to the water,
A、but you cannot make him drink.B、but you cannot make him go back.C、but you cannot make him run fast.D、but you cannot make him walk fast.


37..Any negative tradition or behavior that is generally regarded as harmful to social welfare and forbidden within a cultural or social group.
A、The definition for tabooB、The definition for cultureC、The definition for customsD、The definition for an individual style


38.The ‘ring’ gesture is an insult in_____.
A、FranceB、South AmericaC、the U.S.A.D、Tunisia


39.Observe without judgment,Analyze the situation,React in a way that is most culturally appropriate
are the three ways to_____.
A、deal with dificultiesB、view different culturesC、solve the problemsD、emphasize the independence


40..What does ‘to go Dutch’ mean?
A、Share the costB、Go to CinemaC、Pool the monyD、Pick up the bill


41.In China parents emphasize fostering independence from an early age.



42.Caucus is an 21th-century acronym for the American politicians Cooper, Adams, Urann, Coulson, Uhlman, and Symmes.



43..”Object language”includes the information conveyed by what we wear and how we adorn ourselves.



44.Westerners accept the pliment and then say “Thank you”



45.Dieseles from Dr. Rudolf Diesel, of Munich, who invented the diesel engine and became a millionaire as a result.



46.An American tourist and a Chinese couple met for the first time. They are introducing themselves like this:American tourist: It is so nice to meet you both here. I’m Lucy Webster. Thank you very much.Chinese woman: It’s a pleasure, I’m Li Hong, and this is my husband.Wele to China,Miss.Lucy.American tourist:Thank you, Mrs.Li.Would both of you like a cup of coffee? Chinese couple: No, thanks.



47.Mrs. Chen has just moved to America. Her husband is a guest professor there. She finds that a car is very necessary in America, so she decides to buy one. After she has chosen a suitable car, she takes out the cash to pay. The salesman is very glad and surprised,”Great.You pay in cash”.Mrs. Chen gets confused.

48.I can’t stand listening to jazz. It’s just_____.
A、a storm in a tea cupB、not for all the tea in ChinaC、not my cup of teaD、a cuppa


49..What is verbal munication ?
A、Spoken municationB、Silent municationC、Written municationD、Listening munication


50.The English equivalent for the Chinese idiom” 五十步笑百步” is_____.
A、the person retreating for 50 feet laughing at the one for a hundred feetB、the kettle calling the pot blackC、the pot calling the kettle blackD、the jug calling the pot black


51.The proper English equivalent of Chinese proverb 众人拾柴火焰高 is_____.
A、Many hands make light work.B、The more wood, the lighter the fire.C、The more wood, the more scorching the fire is.D、All men’s wood make the fire lighter.


52..Nice to meet you, Manager Johnson.


53.Mrs. Chen has just moved to America. Her husband is a guest professor there. She finds that a car is very necessary in America, so she decides to buy one. After she has chosen a suitable car, she takes out the cash to pay. The salesman is very glad and surprised,”Great.You pay in cash”.Mrs. Chen gets confused.

54.An American tourist and a Chinese couple met for the first time. They are introducing themselves like this:American tourist: It is so nice to meet you both here. I’m Lucy Webster. Thank you very much.Chinese woman: It’s a pleasure, I’m Li Hong, and this is my husband.Wele to China,Miss.Lucy.American tourist:Thank you, Mrs.Li.Would both of you like a cup of coffee? Chinese couple: No, thanks.

55.Mrs. Chen has just moved to America. Her husband is a guest professor there. She finds that a car is very necessary in America, so she decides to buy one. After she has chosen a suitable car, she takes out the cash to pay. The salesman is very glad and surprised,”Great.You pay in cash”.Mrs. Chen gets confused.

56.Li Gang is a new Chinese student in an American university. He is very glad that one of his classmates, Peter, invites him to see a film one day. Li Gang goes to the cinema on time.When he gets there, Peter is waiting for him. Peter says, “I have bought mine. You go quickly to buy your ticket.” Li Gang gets surprised.

57.The traditional , primary relationship in a Chinese family is usually that between_____.
A、husband and wifeB、father and childrenC、parents and childrenD、teacher and students


58..A stereotype is a conventional ,_____ , and over simplified conception , opinion,or image of a group of people


59.In UK, in addition to polite expressions, when refusing a request, people find or give_____, if not genuine ones , sometimes called “white lies”.


60.Nowadays in England , people usually call each other_____.
A、Sir or MadamB、by their first nameC、Mr, Mrs, Miss, or MsD、by their last name


61..In America_____is the collective informal term for addressing a group of friends.


62.It is right to ask children or teenagers their age. But it is not normally_____ in English speaking societies to ask an adult their age and never a woman!


63.The surname MacDonald in Scotland was probably first used to name Donald’s_____.


64..We Chinese are brought up to initially refuse friendly offers to demonstrate_____in seeming not to wish to put our host to any trouble.


65.As Chinese dinners usually revolve around one main course rather that many different dishes hosts often ask beforehand whether guests do not like anything to avoid everyone being disappointed.



66.In the West, if a guest is invited to a home, the host will normally serve the guest with some hot tea, and often when the host is making tea, the guest will ask the host not to bother to do so. Even so the host will still provide tea for the guest.



67..In Chinese the use of kin terms is closely related to age and politeness. The appropriate and extended use of kin terms according to age is taken as reflecting good manners。



68.Usually in China is only the first of the given names which is ever used.


69.A Chinese-speaker’s explanation for declining the invitation tends to be more detailed and longer to assure the person who invites that he’s really got something important to do and he usually makes clear what he is going to do.



70..In the West. Guests invited to dinner in the West frequently bring one bottle of wine with them.



71.Some general terms of address: “Sir” and “Madam” are polite ways of addressing a man or woman, and are usually used only by someone who is providing a service such as a shop assistant to a customer or policeman to a member of the public。



72.In less formal settings, it is usual for people meeting for the first time to use first names straight away, regardless of any difference in ages or status.



73.Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal. His American friend, Mike, met him. But Mike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a glass of orange juice. Lin was used to having a main course, and asked Mike if he had any rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles. and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew Americans didn’t care very much about what food they ate, he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing- Quanjude – when he arrived in Beijing.




74.A British tourist is visiting a Chinese family. The Chinese hostess introduces herself and her husband to the guest…  Chinese hostess: Wele to my home. My name is Cai Hong, and this is my husband.  British tourist: Thank you, Mrs. Cai. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs.Cai. I’m Lucy Taylor.  Chinese hostess: Have a seat, Madam Lucy.


75.While many women feel it natural to confer with their partners at every turn , many men feel free to make decisions without such_____.


76..The biggest difference between the Chinese way of child-rearing and the Australian
one is that the former fosters dependence and the latter_____.


77.There seems to be growing evidence to suggest that women and men do pursue different_____ style.


78.Unlike in China, the kin terms used for relatives do not distinguish between_____ relatives in Britain.
A、internal and externalB、old and youngC、maternal and paternalD、male and female


79..When you are invited for a western meal, you’ re offered a second helping but you have already had enough. What would you say? _____.
A、Oh, thanks. That tastes awful.B、No, I don’ twant that.C、No, I don’t like it.D、That was delicious but I’ ve already had plenty , thanks


80.In China nowadays a lot of people are getting used to sharing the cost of the meal
equally between them,______, as we say.
A、to buy a roundB、to foot the billC、to go to DutchD、to go Dutch


81.In Britain it is quite mon for only the husband or wife to be invited to a meal , either in work units or between friends, and neither husband nor wife will feel offended if one of them is not invited.



82..In China kin terms are mainly confined to family members, though some families still keep the tradition of having children use kin terms when addressing adults who are close neighbors and family friends.



83.An English native speaker’s explanation for not being able to go to an invitation is usually short and not detailed, simply by saying” I’m sorry, I can’t get away’ or I’m tied up the whole week’.



84.English speakers do not use kin terms so extensively .Also they tend to view age as a relatively private thing, especially among females.



85..In English, male names tend to connote firmness, strength, the power and grandeur of nature, moral values, etc., whereas female names often suggest elegance, manners, virtues, the beauty of nature.



86.A British tourist is travelling by train in China. Sitting opposite him is a Chinese passenger. They introduce themselves to each other…British tourist: Hello, I’m Eric Jackson. Glad to meet you. Chinese passenger: Hello, my name is Liu Xin. I’m glad to meet you, too. Where do you e from, Mr. Eric?British tourist: I’m from Britain. Please just call me Eric, Mr. Xin.Chinese passenger: and you may just call me Liu Xin.


87.Chen Gang has just got to know his new American friend Jim , who came to learn Chinese in Zhejiang University one month ago. One day , Chen Gang invited Jim to dinner together with two of his Chinese friends. It was a very nice and decent meal. There were a lot of dishes that Jim hadn’ t tasted before. He kept finishing what Chen Gang and his friends put on his plate eagerly until he felt to burst. But there was still a lot left on the table when the dinner was over. Jim felt sorry for that. And he was surprised that Chen Gang and his friends fought for paying. At last , Chen Gang paid the bill. Jim thought that it was a very expensive meal, and he would so much like to go Dutch with them.



88..English surnames can shows how various sorts of information about people , including the place a person is from, the job he has , family relationships , ethnic identity and personal_____.


89.In the West, it is regarded polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express_____.


90.In tha West, Normally people feel that if you open the gift as soon as it is given, you might embarrass the person who gives the gift and you might be thought greedy. So Westen people tend to open the gifts after the visitors have left.



91..The acronym may accidentally spell an unplimentary word / a word which has a negative (derogatory) meaning:Fiona Alice Tanner Graham Adam.



92.In England kin terms are not only used within one’s own family but also to other people. The appropriate use of kin terms may reflect a person’s politeness, respectfulness, and friendliness. .



93.In the West, it is regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to you to express appreciation.



94..The most frequently used titles used before surnames are Mr, Mrs ( for a married woman), Miss (for an unmarried woman ) and Ms (referring to both married and unmarried women).



95.Chen Gang has just got to know his new American friend Jim , who came to learn Chinese in Zhejiang University one month ago. One day , Chen Gang invited Jim to dinner together with two of his Chinese friends. It was a very nice and decent meal. There were a lot of dishes that Jim hadn’ t tasted before. He kept finishing what Chen Gang and his friends put on his plate eagerly until he felt to burst. But there was still a lot left on the table when the dinner was over. Jim felt sorry for that. And he was surprised that Chen Gang and his friends fought for paying. At last , Chen Gang paid the bill. Jim thought that it was a very expensive meal, and he would so much like to go Dutch with them.

96.Generally speaking for invitations to any meal taking place in the evening, ranging from those given at someone’s home through to dining out together or attending formal banquets, both husband and wife will be included.



97..When dining out with friends, in America and England it is quite mon for friends to share the cost of the meal equally between them, to go Dutch, or split the bill, which implies equality between friends.



98.Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal. His American friend, Mike, met him. But Mike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a glass of orange juice. Lin was used to having a main course, and asked Mike if he had any rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles. and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew Americans didn’t care very much about what food they ate, he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing- Quanjude – when he arrived in Beijing.

99.Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal. His American friend, Mike, met him. But Mike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a glass of orange juice. Lin was used to having a main course, and asked Mike if he had any rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles. and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew Americans didn’t care very much about what food they ate, he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing- Quanjude – when he arrived in Beijing.

100..He is always shooting his mouth off about how many VIPs he knows.
A、boastingB、imagingC、telling lies aboutD、denying


101.Some psychologists argue there are six basic emotions. They are surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness and_____.


102.A:Wow! Carl has done some really amazing things!B:Don’t believe everything he tells you. He was probably pulling your leg.
A、teasing youB、cheering you upC、ridiculing youD、dragging your leg


103..She is always hiding her light under a bushel when it es to giving us her ideas.
A、keeping ideas to herselfB、leaving the office with her ideasC、telling everyone her bright ideasD、agreeing with others’ ideas


104.Which idiom or saying below shows people’s positive attitude towards dogs?
A、A jolly dog.B、He worked like a dog.C、Lead a dog’s life.D、Treat someone like a dog.


105.In a Western meal, you’ re offered a ‘second helping, but you have already had enough. What would you say?
A、No, thanks, I don’t like itB、.No, I don’t want any.C、No, I’m terribly full.D、That is delicious, but I’ve already had plenty, thanks.


106..I’m mot surprised at the downfall of the President because of the promises he made before he came into office turned out to be plans that are unlikely to be fulfilled.
A、Dutch courageB、a piece of cakeC、the salt of the earthD、castles in the air


107.I’ll have to start earlier the next time. This time I only finished by the skin of my teeth.
A、finished it unsuccessfullyB、finished with my mouth shutC、barely succeeded in finishing itD、rarely shut my mouth when finishing it


108.In China, when offering or accepting , both hands are used to show respect



109..English writing pays a lot of attention to unity and coherence.



110.British people apologize to their friends over things like asking for help in some small matter or telephoning late at night.



111.In China the most important relationship in the family is that between parents and son.



112..Communicating with one another, British practice demands (expects) eye contact, though not have to be constant.



113.To look at somebody while listening is not a sign of showing respect in China.



114.I have an American friend. I have invited him several times, and at long last he invited me to his home one day. He told me to get there at 3 pm. I thought we could chat and have a meal together. I gave him a Chinese calendar, a woman’s scarf and a bottle of Chinese white wine.He only took out a dish of nuts, a plate of bread and a bottle of wine.After two hour’s chat,I found there was no hint of a meal and said good-bye to him. He only gave me a box of chocolate as a present for the New Year.After I got home,I found the box had already been opened.I was very surprised



115.Write a short piece on the topic:Different ways of building up relationships with friends


116.It’s not easy to organize such a party, as everyone has his own likes and dislikes.
A、every dog has his dayB、every tide has its ebbC、a clear conscience is a sure cardD、one man’s meat is another’s poison


117.What a fabulous car—I’m very jealous.
A、red with envyB、blue with envyC、green with envyD、white with envy


121..Which one in the following expressions is Not True?
A、The Gang of FourB、A flock of cootsC、A school of birdsD、A pack of wolves


119.A:These days Mr. Smith looks anxious and restless. What happened?B:I heard his wife was in the family way this month.
A、badly sickB、deadC、dyingD、pregnant


120.I don’t think you can depend on Jack to do that job by himself. He’s too green.


121..We know that the dog is regarded as man’s best friend in the West, but sometimes dogs also have negative associations, such as ” _______ ”
A、A top dogB、Get the dogC、He worked like a dogD、Lead a dog’s life


122.I do think her presentation is wonderful. I simply can’t _____ the flaw in her argument.
A、lay a finger onB、keep my hand inC、put my finger onD、hold my hand in


123.“Well,” said the Master, “if you won’t listen to what I say, I refuse to be responsible for you and your examination chances.”
A、zip my lips ofB、wash hands ofC、lick my boots ofD、sit at my feet of


124..In the West parents emphasize fostering independence from an early age



125.The emphasis on fostering independence runs counter to ( is contrary to ) the Chinese view.



126.The thumbs-up sign in Britain OK and for hitch-hiking, in Greece an insult .



127..The ring gesture,in Japan,means money,


128.In Britain men are not expected to control their emotions while women are expected to express their emotions more freely.



129.In a traditional Western family arranged marriage is therefore a practical consideration.



130.Zhu Jun works in a joint-venture pany as an executive in China. His boss is an American called Patrick. They are good friends. Once at a meeting with most Chinese participants including Zhu Jun, Patrickdidn’t quite hear much disagreement when asking for any suggestions for his new project. Patrick took it for granted that his new project would be quite satisfying. But to his great surprise and puzzlement, after the meeting, Zhu Jun came to his office and told him that the project might not work properly. This time, to Zhu ]un’s surprise, Patrick didn’t seem happy but even annoyed with this.


131.What types of nonverbal munication do you think are universal?


132.Which of the following statements is Not True?
A、Female names tend to be longer with more syllables.B、Female names tend to have higher percentage of names with stress on a syllable other than the first.C、Male names tend to make more use of /i/ sound, such as Steve, Peter, and Keith.D、Female names more likely end with vowel sound, while male names with a plosive sound.


133..Which of the following statements are true of collectivist culture?
A、Disclosure of private feeling is distasteful.B、People are suspicious of outsiders.C、Uniformity is not highly thought of.D、there is a positive attitude about words of disagreement.


134.As a man with plenty of guts, he is the person who is expected to bring success to this pany which is on the verge of bankruptcy.
A、the great white hopeB、the great red hopeC、the great green hopeD、the great black hope


135.What did you do to increase profit and eliminate losses? We haven’t been in the black for two months in a row.
A、lack of moneyB、in the dark nightC、needing moneyD、gaining money


136..Which one in the following expressions is Not True’?.
A、as slippery as an eelB、as majestic as a tigerC、as stubborn as a muleD、as stupid as a goose


137.When Greeks meet, then es the tug of war.
A、If too many people try to do the same thing at the same time, chaos will reign.B、Empty-hearted persons are always the most talkative and noisy.C、There must be something better after every piece of unpleasantness.D、When two adversaries are of equal strength of character, the contest of wills is certain to be long and hard-fought.


138.Which one in the following expressions is Not True?
A、as meek as a lambB、as foolish as a donkeyC、as wise as an owlD、as strong as a cow


139..There seems to be growing evidence to suggest that women and men do pursue different interactive style.



140.We show our affection in public less than other peoples. Hugging and kissing are not often seen in public in China.



141.Chinese tend to value strong obligations between parents and children.



142..In India, Sri Lanka and Thailand,Patting a child’s but not the teenager or the adult’s head would be shocking and offensive, as the head believed to be the seat of the soul



143.In addressing an audience, a British lecturer should look at his audience now and then.



144.There do not exist differences in the way males and females municate



145.lee , an overseas student from China, once had a talk with his American classmate Tom.lee : It really puzzles me that you Americans thank people all day long. When the teacher answers your questions, when your mother buys you a book that you need, when a wife brings her husband a cup of coffee, after a salesgirl attends you.Tom: Well, when I finished my tour in China, I said “thank you”to the interpreter who acpanied me during the tour. The interpreter replied, “It’ s my duty to do so. ” I can’ t help thinking that he means, “I had no choice but to do it , because it is my duty. Otherwise I would not have done so. ”


146.Maybe it’s asking too much of you to follow the idea of “love me love my dog”, but at least you should tolerate my love for jazz.
A、love my dog as much as loving meB、love everything about me because you love meC、tolerate my love for jazz music like your tolerating my dogD、love jazz music the same as you love my dog


147.Bob, I need your help. The whole thing seems to be freaking out. Whatever I do, it is getting worse.
A、funnyB、decliningC、losing controlD、happening


148..Usually we Chinese don’t look at each other when having a face-to-face talk



149.In Britain or America,patting a child’s but not the teenager or the adult’s head means giving fort, consolation or encouragement between close friends.



150.Chinese people don’t tend to make more direct requests to their friends. They address those they know quite well in a very direct way.



151.Once a group of Chinese was visiting the home of a fairly well-to-do American. As they were shown around the house, they mented, “You have a very nice home. It’s so beautiful.” The hostess smiled with obvious pleasure and replied in good American fashion”Thank you” – which caused surprise among some of her Chinese guests.Later, while conversing at the dinner table, the host remarked to the Chinese interpreter, a young lady who had graduated not long ago from a Chinese university, “Your English is excellent. Really quite fluent. ” To this she replied, “No , no. My English is quite poor. ” – an answer that he had not expected and found a bit puzzling.


152.There is not a marked contrast between the children-rearing in Australian and Chinese families.



153.I have an American friend. I have invited him several times, and at long last he invited me to his home one day. He told me to get there at 3 pm. I thought we could chat and have a meal together. I gave him a Chinese calendar, a woman’s scarf and a bottle of Chinese white wine.He only took out a dish of nuts, a plate of bread and a bottle of wine.After two hour’s chat,I found there was no hint of a meal and said good-bye to him. He only gave me a box of chocolate as a present for the New Year.After I got home,I found the box had already been opened.I was very surprised

154..It is better to accept something small than to reject it and hope to get more later on.
A、A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.B、A goose in the hand is worth two in the bush.C、A frog in the hand is worth a swan in the sky.D、A fish in the pot is worth two in the water.


155.Non-verbal munication can convey our________ towards ourselves and towards the people we are municating with.


156.Adam has just graduated from the university, he is a green hand in the marketing management.
A、works hardB、has a skill in growing plantsC、is wet behind the earsD、is very experienced


157..There has been a tradition in English, particularly in written English, that should try to use_______words to refer to the same thing.


158.The English equivalent for the Chinese idiom” 五十步笑百步” is
A、the person retreating for 50 feet laughing at the one for a hundred feetB、the pot calling the kettle blackC、the kettle calling the pot blackD、the jug calling the pot black


159.A:”Can you lend me 10 dollars?”B:”I’m afraid not. I’m broke.”
A、I had an accident.B、I hurt myself.C、I am breaking myself.D、I have no money.


160..I can’t stand listening to jazz. It’s just ________
A、A storm in a tea cupB、not my cup of teaC、not for all the tea in ChinaD、a cuppa


161.We drove to the station at full speed and caught the train by_____.
A、skin of our teethB、the salt of the earthC、a lion in the wayD、a piece of cake


162.The printing technique contributed to the growth of knowledge, rationalism, scientific inquiry, and literature.



163..Proverbs — the popular short sayings containing words of advice or warning.



164.The emotional associations differ from person to person objectionable



165.Conversational English tends to ramble, short sentences,  loose construction, plenty of colloquialisms and slang.



166..Communication through writing emancipates man from the constraints imposed by the face-to-face distance and the spontaneity of time.



167.Most western cultures value much in the future. Western cultures prefer to look forward or future-oriented.



168.Li Na, a famous Chinese actress,married a German. One day when she was acting, her husband was watching there, saying again and again that she was the best actress. On knowing this, Li Na told her husband not to praise her like that in public.The German wondered what he had done wrong.Once Li Na and her husband were talking with their Chinese friends, Hong and his wife, at a party. The German praised the good looks of  Hong’s wife. Hong replied that his wife was moderately good-looking when young, but now she was old and no longer so. Hong’s wife nodded in agreement with a smile. The German was surprised.


169.Write a short piece on the topic: In Other Words (the beginning is given to you)    How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words,the origin of language is a mystery….


170.Australian children are more likely to be expected to work while they are studying than their Chinese ______.


171.A:”I’m sure that l’m going to win a lot of money in Las Vegas.” B:”Don’t count your chickens until they hatch.
A、Don’t depend on me to help you win.B、Don’t trust you will win.C、Don’t tell me you will win.D、Don’t assume that you will make it until you win the money.


172..I often asked Jim lots of questions, for he is as wise as _____.
A、a monkeyB、a rabbitC、an owlD、a snake


173.He sat up all night preparing for TOEFL.
A、didn’t sleepB、hugged the Buddha’s legC、burned the midnight oilD、burned the night oil


174.She couldn’t wait to disclaim responsibility for the whole project.
A、take a French leaveB、give upC、wash her hands ofD、hide her light under a bushel


175..Communication through writing emancipates man from the constraints imposed by the face-to-face distance and the_____ of time.


176.The English equivalent for the Chinese proverb ” 覆水难收” is
A、It’s no use collecting the spilt waterB、It’s no use crying over the spilt waterC、It’s no use collecting the spilt milkD、It’s no use crying over spilt milk


177.I could still remember he was here with his family two years ago, but now he is pushing up the daisies.
A、buried in a graveB、going to hellC、kicking the bucketD、pushing a daisies cart up the hill


178..In Britain, you can look at a stranger for as long as you like providing they are not standing next to you.



179.An animal manages to overe the limits of here-and-now munication by extending himself through writing and printing.



210.Chinese writing tend to be : carefully constructed, use longer words, relies on rhetorical devices for effectiveness.



211..Slang is used between people who know each other  very well or who have the same job or the same interests.



212.In collectivist cultures, all individuals are not very loyal to the groups they belong to.



213.English speaking people will say somebody is as stubborn as a bull.



214.Zhou Du came to the States for overseas study half a year ago. When he worked part-time in a restaurart, he made friends with an American student Jim.One day,as they were leaving work, Jim asked Zhou, “Zhou , I need a favor.I have to go over to school, and I’m out of money.Could you lend me a dollar so I can take the bus over there and then get home? I’11 pay you back tomorrow.” “Sure, Jim. No problem. You don’t have to pay me back,” said Zhou, as he handed Jim a dollar.As soon as he got to work the next day, Jim went over to Zhou and handed him a dollar , saying , “Thanks Zhou.I really appreciated this last night. It sure was too cold to walk.””Forget it,” said Zhou, as he handed back his dollar.”But I won’t feel right if you don’t take it!” said Jim.


215.Don’t e it with me, young man!
A、behave rudelyB、goC、eD、follow


216.The ring gesture,where you form an “O” by holding the tip of your forefinger to
the tip of your thumb,means in France that you think something_______
A、goodB、I’ll kill youC、worthlessD、great


217..A:”How did you do on the test?”B:”I think I passed, but I won’t know until tomorrow. I’m keeping my finger cross.
A、hoping strongly for the bestB、showing you my crossed fingersC、hoping you can see my crossed fingersD、crossing my fingers so that you can have fun


218.Sophie went to see her uncle once in a blue moon.
A、unexpectedlyB、very rarelyC、very oftenD、once a month


219.A digital puter is a system posed of four distinct elements: a central processing unit, input devices, memory storage devices, and_______devices.
A、hard wareB、hard diskC、outputD、monitor


190..The bat is usually associated with negative qualities in China.



191.Von Frisch discovered honey bees’ dance language:waggle dance–movement in a figure of eight, meaning which direction to go in and how far they had to go.



192.Neither English nor Chinese are rich in idioms employing colours and animals.



193..An American visiting Australia has to be careful in using the index finger to beckon someone.



194.When British people feel perfectly friendly, they never sound cold or distant.



195.English-speaking people associate wisdom with this bird– an owl.



196.Study the following two short speeches. One is given by a HongKong Chinese and the other by an American businessman.A. Because most of our production is done in China now, and it’s not really certain how Hong Kong will be like after1997, and since I think a certain amount of caution in mitting to TV advertisement is necessary because of the expense.So, I suggest that we delay making our decision until after Legco makes its decision.B. I suggest that we delay making our decision until after Legco makes its decision.That’s because I think a certain amount of caution in mitting to TV advertisement is necessary because of the expense. In addition to that, most of our production is done in China now , and it’s not really certain how Hong Kong will be like after1997.


197.Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs. What does the sentence mean?
A、It is better to accept something small than to reject it and hope to get more later on.B、Anyone who claims more than he has already got is very likely to get nothing at all in the future.C、If too many people try to do the same thing at the same time, there will be chaos.D、There must be something better after every piece of unpleasantness.


198.Different cultures have different customs concerning how far apart people should stand when municating with each other.



199..To the Western people bat is a symbol  of good fortune, well-being, happinesee- all positive qualities.



200.English and Chinese have certain areas of agreement on taboos.



201.The printing technique expanded the opportunities for learning and led to radical changes in the way people lived.



202..Chinese will say somebody is as stubborn as a mule



203.Wang Jie is an excellent doctor in a big traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Hangzhou. Mike is his newly-made American friend who came to China to learn traditional Chinese acupuncture only two months ago. Last month, Wang Jie was promoted as deputy director of the hospital. Hearing the good news, Mike suggested going out for a drink. But to his great surprise, Wang Jie told him that he had declined the promotion. When asked why, Wang Jie took two Chinese sayings”人怕出名, 猪怕壮”and”树大招风” in broken English as the response, which made Mike even more puzzled.


204.An idiom is a fixed phrase with its own meaning which has to be learned as one unit.



205.When Zhang Tao traveled in America, he lived in the home of his American friend, Bill.Once after he had traveled back, he found Bill was in a bad mood. When he asked what the problem was, Bill told Zhang Tao that his son Adam got furious about the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using too much water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in cold water. Bill told Zhang Tao that he should walk more softly in future, and have a fast shower to save water. Zhang Tao felt uneasy.How could the host set such rules for his guest?


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贵州电大 5205775 跨文化交际(省) 网上在线形考作业[答案]相关练习题:
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